branchia (pl. branchiae)の例文
The respiratory cavity open throughout the whole length of the mantle, bearing on its right margin a long and narrow branchia.

Ovigerous frenae are characteristic of pedunculate barnacles, while the remaining balanomorphs have ovigerous branchiae. The lower is larger and longer, and serves to supply the branchiae ......

arri pl
The most common mount is the Arri PL mount with an FFD of 52.00 mm. It was then given an Arri PL model, as well as the Production Camera 4K, on September 2014. Mechanically skilled photogr......

mjm music pl
In 2003, MJM Music PL split from SME Poland and has since run as an independent label. The label was founded after Sony Music Entertainment took over the catalogue of MJM Music PL in late ......

no pl
AIX v3 also scrapped the microkernel of AIX v2, a contentious move that resulted in v3 containing no PL / I code and being somewhat more " pure " than v2. For compact simply-connected mani......

panhard pl 17
The "'Panhard PL 17 "'is an automobile made by the estate version, in April 1963. Plans for a four-door version which might have enabled the car more effectively to replace the commerciall......

PL 088-089 : Person and Social Responsibility ( PULSE) Auschwitz Museum : www . auschwitz-muzeum . oswiecim . pl It was shipped within a year of PL / I F. Some argued that PL / I was unusu......

pl 480
Since 1986, Guyana has received its entire wheat supply from the United States on concessional terms under a PL 480 Food for Peace programme. In fiscal year 1979, the U . S . also provided......

pl davies
He is best known for his work in the UK company law, where he authored the leading treatise, now taken over by PL Davies,

pl deshpande
Madhur was conferred PL Deshpande Award a . k . a. PL Deshpande was a renowned writer, stage and film actor and his literary works are still revered in Maharashtra and others parts of the ......

pl forms
:: AnonMoos : " most or all languages with distinctive 1st-person plural verb forms " : certainly not " all "-French has distinctive 1-pl forms but requires an explicit subject.

pl homeomorphism
This was given in as a classification up to PL homeomorphism, but it was shown in to be a homeomorphism classification. The classification includes examples of homotopy equivalent 3-dimens......

pl kyodan
Three major religions ranked by the number of followers are Seicho-no-Ie, Messianity, Mahikari and PL Kyodan. According to the Agency's annual yearbook, 107 million persons identify themse......

pl manifold
The applications are to differentiable manifolds, PL manifolds and topological manifolds. However, while a smooth manifold is not a PL manifold, it carries a canonical PL structure it is......

pl mount
The most common mount is the Arri PL mount with an FFD of 52.00 mm. Mechanically skilled photographers and technicians have successfully retrofitted FD lenses with alternative mounts, incl......

pl munasinghe
In Athletics he was part of a relay team which included rugby players PL Munasinghe, Devaka Fernando and Michael Jayasekera. Centre Three-quarters "'PL Munasinghe "', Wilhelm Bogstra in su......

pl parental lock
Pl parental lock

pl peace tower
1970 saw the construction of the " PL Peace Tower ", a monument to all the people who have died in war, from the beginning of time.

pl phase lock
Pl phase lock

pl program
If the multicell . pl program needed to be optimized for speed , that is one of the first places i would look

pl pulse frequency modulation
Pl pulse frequency modulation

pl punia
PL Punia, Chairperson of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, recollected how priests of the Kali temple in sanctum sanctorum when he tried opening up the temple gates for Dalits.......

pl structure
The obstruction to placing a PL structure on a topological manifold is the Kirby Siebenmann class. In fact a PL structure gives rise to a unique Lipschitz structure; it can in that sense'......

pl tone
Some of these repeaters feature CTCSS / PL tone protection, remote control via DTMF, linking via Internet gateways, simulcasting via several repeaters at once, and cross-band repeat connec......

pl travers
Maryborough was the birthplace of Helen Lyndon Goff who under the name PL Travers authored the well known Mary Poppins series of books.